Clinical research unit for substance-based therapy
Head: PD Dr. med. Felix Müller
The research group focuses on investigating psychoactive substances and their potential therapeutic applications. Their main research interest is the effects of hallucinogenic and entactogenic substances, with particular emphasis on their possible medical use. Specifically, the group examines the potential therapeutic effects of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) for various mental disorders. The primary focus is on treating anxiety disorders, depression, and alcohol dependence. The research group also has extensive experience in conducting clinical trials with various other psychoactive substances such as MDMA and psilocybin (the active ingredient in "magic mushrooms"). The overarching goal of the research group is to gain a deeper understanding of how psychoactive substances work and to evaluate their potential benefits for treating mental disorders. At the same time, great importance is placed on investigating potential risks and side effects to ensure safe and responsible use.
Further information about the project can be found here.
Publications: Link
Felix Müller, PD Dr. med.
Projektleiter und Mitarbeiter Ordinariat Erwachsenenpsychiatrie
Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27, 4002 Basel