Teaching and Research
The UPK Basel are firmly established in university teaching and research. As a partner of Basel University, they are actively involved in innovative national and international research projects.
Research at the UPK Basel aims to enhance understanding of the causes of mental disorders, improve diagnostic strategies and continually extend the existing range of treatments and review their effectiveness. Clinical researchers and fundamental researchers work closely together in a variety of local, national and international research networks.
The knowledge gained from our research and the clinical expertise of the UPK employees flow into high-quality teaching of students and specialised training for all specialists who deal with mental disorders. Researchers at the UPK Basel feel a responsibility not only to deploy their specialist knowledge within education and training, but also to make it available to the public.
The professorships at the UPK and their working groups are introduced below. They are divided into seven structural professorships and professors who are assigned to the cross-faculty research platform.